Welcome to the official TLS Website!

Heres a little about TLS,

TLS stands for "The Laughing Stock", a name I chose as a kid. Growing up its always been my dream to entertain, to create stories people would enjoy. One of my biggest inspirations is a certain web-shooting superhero, his stories of grandeur inspiring millions. Even if my stories can entertain just one person? My life's work is worth it. I hope you enjoy what I make. :)

The website is still ongoing constant updates and I appologize if the current version isnt great to look at!

About Me,

My Name is Everett Hernandez, Im an aspiring artist from Texas. I have a tuxedo cat named Benjamin after Peter Parker! Ever since I can remember I've wanted to tell my stories, and for people to enjoy them. Currently I am working on a personal project code-named "Project Daniel".